Ticks and Fleas


Ticks are a wingless creature that live exclusively on the blood of animals. They have an apparatus called Haller’s organ which senses heat, carbon dioxide and other stimuli to allow the tick to locate the presence of an animal food source. Once found they crawl on and embed their mouth parts into the animals skin and proceed to suck up its blood. You should protect your pet with a monthly treatment of a tick product. Your vet can assist you with this.

Facts about ticks

  • A female tick can lay up to 3,000 eggs.
  • Except for eggs, ticks need a blood meal to progress to the next life cycle.
  • Some ticks can live for more than a year without a meal.


Fleas are a major cause of skin disease. The feeding activity of fleas on pets often causes a hypersensitivity skin disorder known as flea allergy dermatitis. This allergy causes redness and itching, which in turn causes the pet to scratch and bite, resulting in raw skin susceptible to secondary bacterial infections. A single flea can bite 400 times a day. By limiting flea bites, flea allergy dermatitis can be controlled. Fleas also act as the intermediate host for the flea tapeworm. You should protect your pet with a monthly treatment of a flea product. Your vet can assist you with this.

Facts about fleas

In just 30 days, 25 adult female fleas can multiply to 250’000 fleas.

  • Worldwide there are about 3,000 different types of fleas.
  • Adult fleas can jump 600 times an hour.
  • In terms of the flea size each jump is = to a person clearing a 50 story building.

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